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London Marathon Photos


2:39:43 this time; 57 sec slower than last, but with a slight headwind and another year on my body clock, so I was pretty happy, and had an absolutely fabulous day; started immediately behind Haile Gebsrellaise, ended with beer in the sun outside the Red Lion with the Sub-3 crew and then more beer with family and friends, and here I am en route greeting my nearest and dearest on Tower Bridge before doing aeroplanes across it to huge (probably baffled) applause:

(Amazing picture George!)


At 2:38:46, this could well be my lifetime best. The weather was kind and everything went to plan, with pretty even splits (5K every 18:45 or so, 6:03/M). And I smuggled a £5 eBay camera to the start, to get some behind-the-scenes pictures of the Championship start. (I kept the SD card and gave the camera to someone in the crowd.)

Championship start video

Clocked a qualifying time and what to know what the whole experience is like? Watch this...

Video with music and BBC snippet
BBC-free version works in Germany

Just before the start

Bouncers beckon us gradually up behind the elites Kebede (who won) is interviewed on TV while Mo Farah looks on Dave Bedford ready to start the race, Kiprotich wearing 6 was Olympic champion

Just after the start

I can die happy now this photo is safely stuck to my fridge... courtesy of The Mirror. Look over Kebede's right shoulder! Never again will I get pictured in a line-up quite like this, literally among the very best in the world. Well, for about 2 seconds, anyway...

During the race

Pictured by George & Ros on the slope up to Tower Bridge...
this road will be rammed with runners in another 20 mins
And down the other side, right on the blue line

At about 23 miles, very happy to see family & friends Past a pedestrian crossing refuge at Big Ben, last mile The finish!


This one went pretty well, but I was somewhat dismayed to clock the same time -- to the second! -- as in 2011, at 2:42:38.

Tower Bridge, my favourite bit. On the Embankment and the mob has thinned out... Birdcage Walk I think, near the end. On the right is Rosalind Kieran, who was first woman in the mass race this year.


My first London, when I scraped the sub-2:45 championship qualification time by pegging it down the Mall to finish in 2:44:47...

Can probably see the clock ticking up perilously towards 2:45 here on the Mall... Flinging myself across the line, as always. My cheesy arm-waving copied by the guy behind! Very happy afterwards. (If you finish fairly early, there are a LOT of Marathonfoto photographers looking for subjects.)

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