Paper drinks bottles -- best of both worlds? The Papier Marche concept...

The hot weather for the 2018 London Marathon recently opened up the age-old debate between supplying water for running races in plastic bottles, versus paper cups. Particularly with the recent focus on plastic pollution wonderfully raised by David Attenborough. But could there be a third way -- the paper bottle? Here's a sketch, with more thinking below. Someone, please make these!

sketch of papier marche concept

Here are some pros and cons of traditional bottled mineral water for races, versus open paper cups. Compostable cups were tried at one or two drinks stations in London this year, with plastic bottles at the other 24 or so stations. In cold conditions it doesn't matter much, but in the heat this year I used every drop of every bottle at every station, mainly for cooling, really depending on it. Cups or bottles is a serious consideration when deciding whether to enter a race at all...

Enter the compostable paper bottle/flask...

So my idea is simple enough -- combine the best of both worlds by having a fillable bottle made of thick compostable paper or card. After all, as kids we made water bombs out of normal sheets of paper folded into a cube; the thing only has to hold water for a few minutes. Here are my thoughts:

A name...

I wanted to call this concept the "papier marché" as a pun on papier-mâché, but Google Translate tells me that means "paper market". But "papier marche" is paper works or maybe paper walks. Just the (paper) ticket!

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